Take Action
Take Action
Do NOT Buy from these Brands (there are more)
My Action Items
Once you have completed an item, click it to check it off your list!
Step 1: Make a list of the brands you buy clothes/shoes/accessories from and research their labor practices.
Step 2: If any of the brands have been treating their workers unfairly, and you are able to, do not buy from them in the future.
Step 3: Find the the social media pages and contact information for these brands and demand that they treat their workers fairly.
Step 4: Consider buying secondhand/from Fairtrade brands or reducing your consumption.
Step 5: Sign some petitions!
Tell Fast Fashion Companies to Stop Harming Their Customers, Textile Workers, and the Earth
Tell Clothing Brands To Go Transparent
Cheap clothes are killing the planet. Set environmental targets for fashion retailers!
Step 6: Watch the documentary called "True Cost"